The Olympians competed for the gold medal. What is your plan to pass the class? The stock market made me rich. Taylor is a famous actress and singer. Will you pass me the salt please? She has purple mittens. The cheetah is a fast animal. The log floated on the river. Does your apartment have WiFi? The children played in the school playground. What did you learn in school today? Why are you acting so defensive? How did you solve the puzzle? She felt tired the following day. I have a very big office at work. My professor is mean to her students. "Have you seen Ashley? -- I haven't seen her." Where can I charge my tablet? Am I making you feel uncomfortable? Chess is a very fun game. Please be gentle with my baby. They digged for treasure. She always has fun at parties. The press covered the war in detail. Does your knee still hurt? Are the effects of caffeine permanent? She suffers from her illness. I think the agreement is fair to everyone. The story of Romeo and Juliet is known all over the world. I skipped breakfast this morning. My father is a taxi driver. I still have a lot of things to buy. What did James say at the meeting? I traveled to the airport by train. The colors in the painting are prominent. I often watch videos in the morning. These red flowers are lovely. The apprentice observed his master. He eats a lot of vegetables. Did you watch the presidential debate? How much is a plane ticket to Los Angeles? How many languages do you speak? "I'll have a glass of water please." "It's not supposed to rain today." They played volleyball this morning. He was a terrible father and husband. My Amazon package was delivered today. "He doesn't perform well at work." The forest is surrounded with trees. How long has she been in Canada? "She's been in Canada since Wednesday." Can Jose make it to the meeting? -- No, he cannot. Charles is the most senior person at the company. Sorry, I think I have the wrong number. She likes comedy films. I am glad that I got the job. Mike eats breakfast every day. The party ended around sunrise. She has a pink toothbrush. "The text message wasn't delivered." Honey attracts flies. Cesar arrived twenty (20) minutes ago. I got lost on the way to my house. My apartment has a view of the city. Does her son have a motorcycle? His handshake is very firm. Do you have enough training for the job? Has Jinyang bought a new phone yet? How many people live in your country? Are your glasses made of plastic? Do you see a cafe nearby? We live in a residential neighborhood. She always dresses nicely. Is the library close to where you live? Anthony lifts weights. "He's eating ice cream." It often snows in the winter. "She hasn't got much coffee." Justin and Britney have been together for five (5) months. Did you complete the assignment on time? Sorry, we only accept cash. Did you achieve everything you wanted? He discovered the cure for cancer. I always make my bed in the morning. "The weather's sunny today." "I'd like to send a fax." I like to volunteer in my free time. How did you access your email? Today is a pleasant Summer day. There is a secret room in the museum. "I don't play the guitar very well." Try to walk in a straight line. Is there air conditioning in the room? "Let's meet in front of the hotel." Pardon me, does he speak Chinese? What is the context for your remark? What is the economic situation in your country? Do you know where my glasses are? Did you eat breakfast yesterday? The criminals escaped from prison. What do you think of classical music? When will they arrive at the airport? Can you recommend a good restaurant? Your shirt is nice. Is it new? Yes, it is. When do you usually wake up? What is your concern about the product? Tom demonstrated how the machine works. What do your parents do for work? Light emerged from the darkness. He doubled his wager. What do you mean when you say that? There are no classes on Saturday. She always works diligently. The cowboy shot his gun. The answer to your question is complicated. Last month, Valerie drove from San Diego to La Paz. What is the distance between Earth and the moon? They prayed for world peace. I work as a teacher at that school. The accident happened at the intersection. I want to contact our embassy. "Sorry, I didn't hear clearly." She ate the whole pizza. The highest mountain on earth is Mount Everest. What do you see outside the window? I respect my parents very much. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Can I see your passport please? "I'd like to send this to America." The force of gravity is higher on Jupiter. We walked to the ocean yesterday. Do you think the plan is realistic? He is the coolest guy in the world. Is your name on the guest list? The village is in a remote location. Is caffeine considered a drug? The museum is free every Friday. Do you want to see the movie with me? We live in a tiny apartment. Is this a dream or is this reality? "He's not running around the track." "I've owned it since February." I think what he did was reasonable. This alley is very narrow. Refrigerators preserve food. "It's been snowing all day." You found my key last night. I have no chronic illnesses. "I'm sorry, we're sold out." Be prepared for the powerful storm. Do you need to commute to work? Are you able to attend the wedding? "I'm studying English right now." These sheets are so soft. "My cell phone doesn't work." My shoelaces are loose. "It'll be cold this evening." Please proceed through the entrance. Do you know how much it costs? "She wasn't wearing socks." When will you launch the new website? My car is painted yellow. The politician denied the allegations. The turtle is a slow animal. What makes this university so special? She is an advanced pianist. Where do his grandparents stay? The soup tastes delicious. We used to live in the United States. She is a famous movie star. I would like to do something meaningful. Would you like coffee or tea? Can you speak louder please? She became the first female president. Does she want to pass the test? The children are coming home from school. "He's in the workshop building something." I think you have too many clothes. A single vote decided the election. When did he sell his phone? I can count to ten in French. I dreamed about a better future. Bill Gates built a nice computer system. The public is smarter than you think. She turned sixteen yesterday. Do you enjoy extreme sports? "I want to know because I'm curious." Do you accept credit cards? Who do you rely on for support? My favorite number is seventeen. The president is an important part of the government. I live not too far from work. "I've worked there for five years." He is the son of a very important man. We often read a book together. The noise was loud and constant. My goal for the year is to be happy. Twelve times three is thirty six. Are you single? -- No, I am married. "He doesn't have her contact information." Does he think that I am stupid? I will e-mail you tomorrow. I met that girl in high school. Can I have a glass of water please? How long has she been learning Italian? She was very friendly to the guests. What are you doing later in the evening? "Do you have a motorcycle? -- No, I don't." He voted for the first time this year. Are you training for the marathon in May? I hung the painting on the wall. What do they want for brunch? "Please be quiet. I'm studying." I wonder what she does for work. Why was the train late to the station? "I'm thirsty but not hungry." Donald caught the ball with two hands. "I don't like to wash the motorcycle." "I'd like to make a phone call." Prices are low where I live. Can I get your advice on the issue? "The website's design is amazing." Where can I get tourist information? Where did you put your keys? Is your mother a hard worker? Are you aware of the latest news? The sofa has a modern look. "We don't usually watch TV." We all have the right to a happy life. He is confident in his abilities. The water does not look pure. His parents live in New York. How long have you known Mark? I have an exclusive offer for you. I understand what the teacher is saying. Soccer is a technical sport. The restaurant is closed on Monday. Are the orders together or separate? Are any stores open today? Have you seen the new movie yet? Would you ask him to come here? Polar bears are white. Why are you wearing a jacket? It is too cold here. He is very happy with his job. I would like to thank you for the opportunity. Can you help me light the match? "Does she know what I'm saying?" "It's supposed to rain tomorrow." This sofa is very comfortable. I need this to get there by tomorrow. "You stepped on me. -- I'm sorry." Is it supposed to rain tomorrow? I have a sister, but no brothers. Did you go to the weekly meeting? Do you notice anything unusual? The respect between us is mutual. She is afraid to lose everything. Are you watching TV right now? "Yes, don't turn it off." San Francisco has some steep hills. My father has his own business. Are you waiting for your mother? "No, I'm waiting for my father." "What's your favorite color?" My favorite color is red. "Nathan isn't here. He went to work." "I've been here for two days." How long are you going to stay? "You've always played football." My grandfather never retired. Can you throw that away for me? The school year ends in June. What time does the store open? I am certain that she is right. "It's sunny outside today." Have you applied to college yet? Newton discovered the theory of gravity. "She's eating an orange." Tom lost his sense of smell. My friend has three dogs. Are you a teacher? -- Yes, I am. Will you put this in the car for me? There are a lot of things in the school. That university has a lot of students. Gold is a rare element. Please fill out this form. They used to wear contacts. What are you doing under the table? The chair is missing a leg. What is the conventional way to do this? My teacher is so nice to me. That town has three churches. How long have you lived here? Does it rain here often? "She's sitting on the couch." "Where's the nearest hospital?" I already took the trash out. "Sorry, I don't have a pencil." They like post-rock music. What does it mean to be American? Is Keenan there? -- Yes, he just arrived. "I haven't had lunch yet." She is an excellent chef. Do you like scary movies? I will never forget this moment. What is the main attraction here? "I'd like to speak to you please." I thought he said something else. October is my favorite month. I need to leave now. Bye. I think I need to see a doctor. Kids usually like candy. The situation seems odd to me. Do you have the number for a taxi? Why are you being so dramatic? There has been a car accident. The villagers destroyed the forest. She is the leader of the group project. "Where is your brother's job?" He always goes to work early. "There's a restaurant near here." I searched for my wallet. "I'd like to make a reservation." Butterflies have two (2) wings. Catherine works very hard. How would you assess the situation? What do people usually do here? Are you listening to her right now? Thank you for your continued support. "It's longer than two (2) miles." Do you like your co-workers? Who is the most popular celebrity? Language learning is fun to me. "I'd like to rent a car." I often take the bus to school. He was going to basketball practice. "This is the first time I've been here." If you like it I can buy more. Is it hot today? -- Yes, it is. I assume that you are a nurse. Russia is a very big country. The effects of the drug are unknown. An important part of life is work. My father works at a bank. Would you like to have dinner with me? What time did you go to sleep? Bring me my shirt please. How much was the train ticket? Please take off your shoes. Does he run outside often? You do different things every day. I do have a phone charger. I want an exciting adventure. They raced around the track. The cost of living is rising in San Francisco. Do we live on the same street? He kissed her for the first time. "How're they doing now?" "I'm going home in four days." When did Jeff take out the trash? What time does the museum close? These snakes are deadly. Can you identify the man in the picture? Their car is on the way to the airport. He always leaves work late. Would you like to rent a movie? Were you at the library last night? "Where's the closest restaurant?" Excuse me, what did you say? Linguistics is the study of language. Are you interested in American politics? Success is the result of hard work. Blue is my favorite color. Be careful around the fireplace. Do you know how to get to the hotel? "Have you seen Jon? -- He's in the bathroom." The teacher is the leader of the classroom. Have you eaten at that restaurant? Where was she on Saturday morning? Were you surprised by the good news? "We saw Rita, but we didn't see Javier." How was the weather when you went to Hawaii? I am optimistic about the future. I need to tie my shoes. "She often doesn't have breakfast." Somebody is swimming in the lake. Chess is a strategic game. There is a group of children at the school. The technology company transformed the world. Ajay has three (3) children. Do your children speak Chinese? Einstein proved that the theory was true. The fire keeps us warm. The whole nation wants peace. "I'll take you to the bus stop." What do you think of these shoes? He had plenty of good jobs. He likes to drink beer.