I need to update my website. The weather was terrible yesterday. Where can I rent a car? He never watches videos. The waiter at the French restaurant was French. My wife told me to do it. What time does the movie start? The numbers are completely random. Kendrick has been in New York for five (5) weeks. January is the first month of the year. The neighborhood is safe for children. "It's more dangerous these days." John is going on vacation tomorrow. One way or round trip? How long have you worked here? How do you handle stress? How much do I owe you? When does the plane arrive? They are a peaceful tribe. How do you define success? "I'll call you when I leave." The grocery store is near. Her father is recently single. The sea is full of dolphins. How long will you be staying? "I'm not sitting on a chair." What kind of music do you like? The couple posed for the picture. The bear climbed the tree. The library is completely silent. "What's the charge per night?" "What's your email address?" My toothbrush is automatic. What a beautiful home! I love it. What time did you wake up? "He's been to Germany twice." Did you do research at the university? Am I being too harsh? "He's been to Portugal once." Do you take credit cards? Are you willing to risk it all? I cleaned the bathroom already. Who was your previous employer? Are your children watching TV? "He's not wearing a hat." "She doesn't have any sisters." Where can I exchange currency? My watch has been stolen. "He's lying on the couch." Are you enjoying the book? "It's very funny, but no." How old are your children? Four (4), nine (9), and thirteen (13). Where are you from? "I'm from Los Angeles." Are you hungry? "No, but I'm thirsty." How old are you? "I'm thirty (30) years old." His family is coming tomorrow. "It isn't sunny today." Does it snow in the winter? It is a matter of life and death. This pond is shallow. These pants are tight. "He's not playing the piano." Physics is an interesting subject to me. You are energetic this morning! What are they up to these days? Is the car used or is it new? What is your position on the issue? Is she cleaning a plate? What happens after you die? He is still young and healthy. The soccer field is huge. We were here last Saturday. He was critical of my opinion. Hold on to your belongings. Where were you previously living? What color is your bag? "It's blue." "She isn't having breakfast." Radical changes were made. Would you take a message please? She is a foreign diplomat. I propose a new strategy. Do you have any vacancies? My house is close to the bank. "I'm looking for the post office." Murder is the worst crime. This is an average day for me. Do you want to go to the movies? Are you watching something funny? What were you up to last night? Sometimes bad things happen. Please take me to this address. It costs too much money. What is the weather like in March? Do you hear her singing? I want a detailed explanation. That is an extraordinary achievement. My head hurts a little. Please speak more slowly. My hands are too cold. How much money do you make? We downloaded an app. "What's your favorite film?" My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio. What is the status on American immigration? How long have they lived in Portland? Are they identical twins? How do you say it in English? Can I have a receipt please? "He's never ridden in a Tesla." She used to be a waitress. "What's your favorite movie?" "Don't believe the fake news." It is bright outside today. What did you do last night? "Where's Katie? -- She's at work." "My sister's a farmer." Is your room clean yet? She was writing an email. Can I borrow some money? Paris is a romantic city. The baby cried all night. "She's lying on the floor." Where can I buy tickets? Is everything that you said accurate? In my case, I work from home. "I'm going to go have dinner." What is the value of a good education? "Where's the mail box?" Try to be on time next time. What are you going to do tonight? Why is she laughing at me? I started running every day. You speak French very well. Would you like a glass of water? Anyone can be a good student. Fifteen divided by three is five. She resembles her mother. Do you watch TV often? "It's going to be hot today." Bernie worked for the government. Would you like to go for a walk? Can you show me how to do it? Can we have a menu please. Can you call me back later? Have you started your work yet? I always take the bus to work. She was holding a purse. How do you spell the word? What day are they coming over? We have a lot of people to meet. What is your shoe size? She dressed up for the event. That car over there is mine. Is that a bird or a plane? "I'm sleepy this afternoon." He needs some new clothes. I want to send this package. Did you witness the robbery? Did you send me flowers? The hunter killed the deer. Is she friends with you right now? "Yes, she's staying with me." I have to wash my clothes. Is there a store near here? "I'd like a map of the city." Diamonds are very expensive. My mother works at a school. Do you have the character to succeed? "She doesn't drink tea." Is your toothbrush electronic? "I don't understand what you're saying." Close the door when you leave. What is the most likely explanation? "I'm getting ready to go out." "I'd like to go for a walk." Is there a nightclub in town? How long have you been sick? "I'd like to go to the store." "I'd like to go shopping." Are you still upset with me? "I'd like a single room." She fell off the wall. These books are ours. Can you give me an example? Is it safe where you live? Making mistakes is normal. She is a strict teacher. Does she dislike him? What does this word mean? We have three (3) parrots. Where do you get your news? Your car is on my property. A round trip ticket. Do you have anything cheaper? Are you still angry at me? "You're smarter than him." "I haven't finished eating." Who was the director of that film? I need to go to school today. Do you have faith in yourself? "What's your favorite food?" "I'll tell him you called." She is an attractive woman. My car is superior to his. "I'm coming to pick you up." They read a lot of books. My throat is sore. I use the computer every day. Did you register for the event? At what time did it happen? Are you worried about the economy? I thought the movie was amazing. I apologize for the inconvenience. I have pain in my arm. Are you about to leave? Yes, I am about to leave. Yes, see you next week. "What's your name?" "My name's Jack." "My name's John." Is it snowing? Yes, wear a coat. "What's her name?" Her name is Jacquie. "How's Ben?" "He's not doing so great." Would you like something to eat? We are investigating the evidence. What is the population of Tokyo? Do you need anything else? I like reggae music. Kendrick has been in New York since April. She was working on a project. "I'd like to eat here." The cost of failure is high. Can we sit over there? How do you pronounce that? Please speak slower. Which school does he go to? What color is your car? "It's red." Stealing is against the law. What do you suggest I do? "I'd like to buy something." When was your last argument? My luggage is missing. I owe you a favor. I sometimes watch videos. "You've done the laundry." Have you ever been to California? No, not yet. How long have you been here? Does this road go there? "I'll pay for the tickets." This car is perfect for me. I have some excellent news. She is an independent woman. John is an eager student. I need additional feedback. They live in a small house. Are you an artistic person? "She's at the gym now." That restaurant is not expensive. Is your password secure? I want to ask you a question. It is freezing over here. Wendy planned her vacation to Europe. The United States has a diverse population. What time are they arriving? I have a lot on my mind. Is your grandmother at home? Do you have exact change? What are you two talking about? I leaned on the wall. My backpack is missing. "David doesn't own a motorcycle." How much money do you have? Do you sell batteries? "I'd like to use the internet" What is the meaning of this word? The trash can is empty. "He's sick and in bed." "I can't hear you clearly." Is this the moral thing to do? "I'm going there next year." Is the store far from here? When do you get off work? "I've never seen that before." It will arrive shortly. "It doesn't usually rain." You have a very nice car. When does the bus leave? "Who's that man over there?" You like scary films. What is your writing style? Did you take your medicine? "He's drinking a beer." Would you like something to drink? "The sun isn't out yet." What is your response to the question? "He's wearing a shirt." What is your telephone number? He always likes to eat out. "She's reading a magazine." This is an effective strategy. What is Jeff cooking? She is a talented model. Do you know how to cook? How much does this cost? Can you translate this for me? The officer arrested the criminal. The best place in the world is here. "She wasn't going to the bank." Where do his children live? Can you please say that again? I am excited to be here. Did she see it anywhere? How many children do you have? Did you come with your family? Where can I find a hospital? He is an ordinary boy. We need water to survive. Do you like to watch TV? I have to go to the post office. Is there a restaurant in the hotel? My grandmother is retired. What is your favorite movie? Does he drive a train? Is there any mail for me? "I'll call you on Friday." She eats too much. These bags are heavy. Do you play any sports? What is your ideal job? He knows three (3) languages. Chris has lived in Mexico since May. Failure is not an option. "It's going to snow today." You are a lazy worker. Can you take a picture for me? "Don't say anything offensive." He is an experienced doctor. What does she mean by that? I cannot access the file. I study history at the university. It is very hot in the summer. How would you approach the problem? I want to give you a gift. Would you like to watch TV?