Do you know how to drive? "She's not listening to me." "You don't have a skateboard." Is it cold in your room? Yes, but only a little. "We're eating dinner." That is an extensive list. "I don't want to bother you." Does she have a coat? The party was a big success. "They're looking at the sign." She is a generous person. Are you coming? -- Yes, I can. She is interested in sports. I have a lot of things to do. Pick up your clothes. The roads are slippery. Does Nicolas own a motorcycle? "He'll be back soon." "I'll pay for dinner." Who would you like to speak to? "I don't speak very well." Is it a formal occasion? Are you eligible for the job? They packed for the trip. The accusations were false. Why are you looking at her? The Earth has seven continents. Elon Musk led the development of the Tesla car. This land belongs to me. "Where's the post office?" The weather is hot today. "Who's the woman in the picture?" "That's my mother." "It isn't warm today." Do you know what this means? Do you know what this says? We are lazy workers. "I don't know how to use it." I do not want to fight you. We visited Bhutan last year. "I'm cleaning my room." "Where's Julie from?" "She's from London." When is your business trip? I think it tastes good. "I'll call back later." Some days, I feel old. "I'd like to make a call." She was sick in bed. Are they coming this evening? My flight was delayed. How much do you exercise? "Where's your laptop?" "It's in your bag." Did it snow yesterday? These bags are light. My shoes are cheap. What did you do? We visited the forest. What would you like to eat? Please count this for me. I need some tissues. Have you been waiting long? I am very wealthy. "She's watching TV." Is there anything cheaper? "Look, there's my mother." "Don't waste your money." What is your phone number? "I'd like to exchange this." How much will it cost? What are your hobbies? George is a successful businessman. When are you going to eat? Have you finished studying? Is the library near here? The president started this war. "He doesn't like basketball." Are you waiting for the train? "No, I'm not." My stomach hurts. I need to change clothes. Do you have a question for me? Can I bring my friend? Are you coming this evening? How old is Amanda? "She's twenty-seven (27)." Is this pen yours? What color is that car? Does she like to dance? "They don't have many friends." "What's the exchange rate?" What school did you go to? "I'm very well, thank you." Do you sell medicine? What do you fear most? She was early for the date. Do I sound genuine? Do you want to go with me? "They're playing basketball." What are your children doing? "They're at school." Where is the bus station? "Sorry, we don't have any." The army attacked the city. Are they shooting a video? The sweater is ugly. What do you want to buy? Leo got married. The shrine is sacred. Where are your children going? "I don't have time right now." Are you in line to the bathroom? You dropped your bag. "He's a good painter." Where is the end of that road? She lives in my area. You look like my sister. "He doesn't like cricket." "I'll talk to you soon." "I'm not interested in music." How long does it take? I never study in bed. The big one or the small one? Can you repeat that please? Is he riding a train? What would you like to drink? Where would you like to meet? "I'd like a refund." The party is still ongoing. Stop acting weird. Can I make an appointment? I speak two languages. They cannot trust him. Today is a warm day. Would you like some wine? Which road should I take? He still works for the government. "I'll come back later." The possibilities are endless. Love conquers all. Her kids are at school. Your house is very nice. What did you do yesterday? "It's very cold today." He plays the flute. Are you allergic to anything? Water is essential to life. "My car isn't working." The new law was controversial. We play three sports. The flu was widespread. "I'm not listening to music." Does Rodrigo play volleyball? Mondays are the worst. She always comes early. When does the bank open? Can you do me a favor? Nobody is helping us. How much is it to go there? He was guilty of the crime. How did you hear about Bhutan? Do you shoot videos? Can you call back later? I miss my hometown. Which does she like better? What time did you get up? Is your wife a nurse? "No, she's a doctor." I only want a snack. Did he smile at me? Her birthday is in September. My health has been great! Nobody is there right now. Did you get my email? Does he remember that night? Do you want to come with me? He was early last night. Please take me to the airport. Is Emily from Japan? "No, she's French." Does she know the answer? What is the name of that song? "He doesn't like his work." Is that your final answer? "He doesn't have a cat." Can I have the bill please? Are the apples fresh? That is a vulnerable position. When does he arrive? "They don't know many people." "I still haven't decided." Does she trust him? When would you like to meet? Does Wendy ever text you? She is a unique person. I walk around the building. Do you like your boss? "Let's go have a look." The sandwich was awful. Does she hate him? My dog is blind. "I'd like to go home." Do you have any coffee? Can you carry this for me? The old man is wise. I spilled the milk. Is anyone else coming? I still have a lot to do. What time does it start? "He doesn't have a girlfriend." How do you spell it? "What's your last name?" Are there any concerts? France is not in Asia. This is a rough situation. "What is today's date?" "It's near the supermarket." Please exit the building. What is she doing? "She's reading a book." How old is she? "She's twenty-eight (28)." What are you interested in? "I'm interested in sports." "I'm coming right now." "I'm not ready yet." You have beautiful skin. What day of the week is it? Let me think about it. Do they like basketball? Why are you so late? "I'm reading the newspaper." "Where's your friend?" "He's in the bathroom." When are you coming back? My back is hurting. When did you arrive? The argument was intense. Did you see Fred yesterday? "I'll have the same thing." I saw Monisha last night. You have brown hair. Are you interested in music? I like to watch TV. Where does it hurt? This lake is deep. Are you willing to do it? "What's the matter with her?" How does it taste? What is the name of the county? Fill it up, please. When do we arrive? Your things are all here. Are you waiting for someone? We watched videos. Where would you like to go? Does your car work? "No, it doesn't work." Would you like some water? Where are you going to go? "It's not very expensive." We made an error. "How's work going?" Would you like to buy this? I cannot guarantee it. What time is check out? "You don't like wrestling." "It's sunny today." The Earth is not flat. Do you have a pencil? For how many nights? Is it sunny today? Yes, it is. Who arranged the event? How long will it take? Here is your salad. Was it everything you expected? You have a beautiful voice. Are you going to help her? What do you do for work? She took a bath. "It's very windy." I am being honest. Is your father at home? Are those new shoes? Please write it down. Have you seen Josh? Can we study outside? The comedian was funny. The Jamaicans love the bobsled. What does he like to do? When does it arrive? You look beautiful today. "What's the room rate?" She is very wealthy. Where is an ATM? I want to show you something. He is a remarkable man. "It's true. I believe it." Tell me your secret. "It's often sunny." She lives downtown. I like small towns. "They're waiting for us." She has long hair. I never go to the movies. "Where's the pharmacy?" "I'm taking a shower." Are you a competitive person? Are your children at home? "No, they're out." Do you have enough money? Can you hold this for me? Do you play basketball? "They'll be right back." There are many people here. I care about you a lot. Do you go there often? "You don't have any evidence." He is a handsome man. Seventy people attended the event. Have you eaten yet? Who is the author of the book? She looks pale. Practice makes perfect. "I don't have enough money." Can I use your phone? Can you come to my house? Where do you want to go? The book is under the table. "You've been to Shanghai twice." "How's your brother?" "He's okay." "He's doing great." Have you seen this movie? Steve Jobs started a big company. It depends on the weather. "I'll take that one also." Is he ordering anything? "No, he isn't." This room is a mess. This is a complicated problem. My window is broken. Where did you learn it? Who sent this letter? Shut the door, please. Are your parents at work? Where can I mail this? "I'm not eating anything." "He's waiting in line." He is alone right now. "Do you think it's possible?" "We're having lunch." Do you have an appointment? "I'll give you a call."