"Gustave used to be a bell boy. Now he's the owner of a luxury hotel." "Florence works at a startup. She's been working in startups for four (4) years." "They've only traveled by land and water. They have yet to fly in an airplane." We had a fun spring break. How about them? Did they have a fun spring break? I wash my hair two (2) times per day. This evening I washed my hair. Joey woke up at four forty-five a.m. (4:45) and meditated for two (2) hours. He likes animals. He has two (2) dogs and three (3) cats. He has a lot of animals. I usually drink one (1) coffee per day. Yesterday, I drank two (2) coffees. I watched a few videos yesterday. How about her? Did she watch videos yesterday? "Hector was trying to sell his truck. Ask him if he's already sold it." "Hunter's favorite film is Lord of the Rings. He's seen it thirteen (13) times." I often wake up before sunrise, but I took a nap this morning to recover. When he got back to his house, he did his breathing exercises and took a cold shower. Does she like to explore? -- Yes, she loves to fly places and take road trips. I have a daily meditation practice. How about her? Does she practice meditation every morning? The film was fairly short. It began at six-thirty (6:30) and ended at seven-forty (7:40). The magazine wrote an article about climate change today. It usually writes about celebrities. "They visited the cinema, but the movie was mediocre. They didn't get their money's worth." "His father has to pay her credit card bill. Ask him if he's already paid it." Pelé played soccer from nineteen fifty-eight (1958) to nineteen-seventy (1970). Jeff usually goes to work by skateboard. Yesterday, he went to work with a ride share app. We were pleasantly surprised with the hostel. Our room came with free continental breakfast. "This morning he's just wearing sandals, but yesterday he was wearing socks and sandals." "It's Rohan's anniversary tomorrow, and I haven't bought him a gift. I don't have a gift for Rohan." Usually, he begins work at six-thirty a.m. (6:30), so he wakes up at five a.m. (5:00). "Her motorcycle's dirty. She's cleaning her motorcycle. She's cleaned her motorcycle. It's no longer dirty." Roshan usually flies for work. How about John? Does he usually fly for work? He got dressed, made a vegetarian omelet, and fed his dog. I need to go to a gas station now because my car is running out of gas. "We've previously seen that woman, but we forgot where we first met her." "Ask if she has any siblings. -- No, she hasn't got any siblings." Does she like to party? -- No, she likes to stick to a strict routine. I wanted to stay a little longer, but I had to wake up early the next morning. "James has a fever. He's had a fever since ten o'clock (10:00) last night." "We eat apples every other day. Yesterday, I didn't eat an apple." We completed our work on time. How about them? Did they complete their work on time? I stared at the computer screen for three hours, so my eyes are tired. Has he ever performed martial arts? -- Yes, he has a dedicated Jiu Jitsu practice. Reading and writing are important for learning a new language, but speaking is important too. "I used to take a lot of photos, but I don't carry a camera much these days." Some coworkers often bother us in the office. They bothered us yesterday. Emily injured her foot, so she had trouble walking to school today. I live in New York now, but before that I lived in the Bay Area for twenty-three (23) years. My Facebook post earned many likes, but nobody has shared it yet. "Mingming can watch videos because she's already completed her work." Jane always forgets her password. She forgot her password last Monday. "Nate's reading a novel. He's been reading for about three (3) hours now." "What's my password? -- I'm not sure. It was in your notebook, but it's gone now." "I'm not certain, but it seemed around thirty-five (35) kilometers per hour." Do they own a boat? -- No, but they like to rent one when they visit the lake. Derek and Irine were at the grocery store buying butter, milk, and eggs. We slept yesterday afternoon. What about them? Did they sleep yesterday afternoon? No one lives in those apartments. Wealthy people use them as investment properties. Smoking two packs of cigarettes a day caused severe breathing problems. I ran to the post office before it closed to send my father an important letter. Because my neighbor threw a loud party, I was not able to fall asleep. If you want to lose weight, you should eat foods low in fat and sugar. Our country does not have a large army right now, because we are not fighting a war. Connor stepped into the kitchen, poured a drink, and sat on the couch. We sometimes visit the zoo on the weekends. Last Saturday, we visited the zoo. My opinion is that we should fight fewer wars and spend more money on education. "Cesar's feeling ill. He's been feeling ill for several days now." Does she sing or dance? -- Yes, she was in an acapella group in college. "There are so many different flavors of ice cream. I don't know which one to choose." Even though the proof was substantial, he was not convicted of the crime. I fell off my skateboard and injured my left arm. "Jose doesn't usually take the bus to school. Most days he bikes." My sister and her husband no longer live here. They moved to Portland. "The source of all John's troubles is his gambling addiction." The doctor told me to take three pills every eight hours. If you invest your money wisely, you can retire early. During the comedy show, I laughed until I felt dizzy. My manager is very nice, but sometimes I get away with too much. Have you seen Scarlett recently? Yes, she was wearing a gorgeous blouse at the party last night. What was he doing late last night? Was he playing video games? She plays volleyball. What about them? Do they play volleyball? "The train isn't on time. They've been waiting for thirty (30) minutes." My English literature class is a challenge, but I think I will pass. We took a bus to the cinema and brought our own popcorn. We heard from them this afternoon. They are about to board their plane. Connor has blonde hair now, but it used to be brown. I inserted a handful of coins into the vending machine. We used to live out of town, but we now live in the city center. I dealt with the situation by remaining quiet instead of yelling. "The building doesn't look sturdy. I think it has structural problems." I reminded him about the event because I was worried he would forget. Because he had nothing to lose, he had no fear of losing everything. Access to affordable language learning resources is an important issue. "Excuse me sir, you're blocking my view. -- My apologies." "I keep hearing that song on the radio, and now I don't like it anymore." We need to buy a printer before we can print receipts. "Alex's grandmother was born in nineteen thirty-two (1932)." Even though gravity exists on the moon, it is much weaker. The majority of students at this high school go to college after graduation. India has been an independent country since nineteen forty-seven (1947). Even though we have different personalities, we agree on many issues. They desire a house in the suburbs and a bank account full of money. I jog in the morning from seven-thirty (7:30) to eight-fifteen (8:15). During the winter, there is a thin layer of ice over the lake. "The sewing machine makes my grandmother's life much easier." "Are those new shoes? -- No, I've had these shoes for a while now." I tried as hard as I could to focus during the boring lecture. How many medals has the United States won in the Olympic Games? I hate to admit my mistakes, but I know it is the right thing to do. Jill works at a supermarket now. She likes her job. "We fought the war to ensure freedom for our country's citizens." I brought an extra pair of socks for the hiking trip. Did the San Francisco Giants win the World Series last year? "Ask if she has a clock. -- No, she hasn't got a clock." I did not know the answer to the multiple choice question, so I guessed. The best thing Quincy can do for his health is to stop smoking. "Cat's played softball since she was seven (7) years old." I wonder how Julie maintains her weight despite eating so much. Even though your goals are ambitious, I think you can achieve them. I wish to be famous. How about her? Does she wish to be famous? Where were you during the concert yesterday? -- I had to work late at the office. I passed the course because my teacher was excellent and I studied hard. "She eats a lot of bagels. It's her favorite breakfast." "He's only eaten a small meal, so he's still hungry." When was the last time you visited your grandparents? -- Just one (1) week ago. She used to work as a secretary, but now she is an executive at the company. "Because of the company's excellent management, we made a lot of money this year." Aaron walks his dogs every morning. He walked them last night. I slept for eight hours last night and I feel full of energy. They were energetic, so they stayed the whole time at the ballgame. Even though the weatherman says that it will snow, I doubt him. How did you burn your hand? I touched the burning stove. The doctor told her that she had cancer, but that it could be cured. When he was growing up, he ate only one (1) meal per day. "The jacket's quality is very low, and there is no return policy." Airplanes enable humans to travel long distances quickly. George grew up in a small village but now he lives in a large city. "Sofia's not coming to the beach. She fractured her leg." I mixed the oil and vinegar together to make salad dressing. Playing the violin while riding a bicycle is a difficult task. If you fill out the survey, you have a chance at winning a new car. I sent her a text last night but she has not yet responded. "He got up early this morning. It's amazing to wake up with the sun." She ordered a hamburger and fries at the fast food restaurant. How do you prevent wildfires from happening in a dry climate? After a long day at work, I sat on my couch and rested. "Tom and I are buddies. I've known him since freshman year of college." "We're here on vacation. We're staying at a hostel in town." His medical condition makes it hard for him to run long distances. Grand Central Station is a large public space in New York City. His mother makes a lot of money, so she pays a lot of tax. Everything on the menu looks delicious. I cannot decide what to eat. For me, the purpose of learning a new language is the travel opportunities it brings. We had fun at the party. How about them? Did they have fun at the party? Tommy never takes a bath in the afternoon. This afternoon, he took a bath. Kevin loves to build websites. He builds websites on the weekends. Three years ago, Jose was thirty-three (33), so he is thirty-six (36) now. "She can go to bed because she's already brushed her teeth." His beard grew so long that I could no longer recognize him. I offered the homeless man a slice of pizza and a can of soda. The course was fun, but it did not offer credits towards graduation. "Doug's in his room. He's been there since eight o'clock (8:00)." My parents will not let me watch TV when I still have homework. Because I was wearing headphones, I talked too loudly in the library. It was smelly in the room, so I lit a scented candle. Because I had stayed up all night, I could not focus during the lecture. There is a theoretical solution to the equation, but nobody has found it yet. "Juan David's been ill for some time. He's been in the hospital sick for two (2) weeks." Jinyang plays volleyball. How about his siblings? Do they play volleyball? My mouth is dry after delivering an hourlong speech. He used to play volleyball, but he stopped after his college graduation. My wallet was full of twenty dollar bills when I visited San Francisco. I spread peanut butter on the bread in order to make a sandwich. "It's snowing. It's been snowing for over twenty-four (24) hours." I earned a good grade in my science class because I studied a lot. "Her brothers like the cinema, but they don't usually watch movies online." "When is Rodolfo applying to college? -- He's already applied to college." I went running in my neighborhood and it thankfully came across my mind. I try to avoid large crowds because they make me feel anxious. Seeing my mother for the first time in two years brought a smile to my face. Does it snow often where she lives? -- Yes, it snows often. "She was a slow runner in high school, but she's gotten faster." Jacquie travels a lot. She has visited many different places all over the world. If we reduce the amount of wars we fight, the world would be a better place. "Have they ever played hockey? -- No, it's not cold enough where they live." "Why were you sad last night? -- Because I didn't do well on my exam." Her boyfriend has some new music. Ask her if he can play it for us. "I feel guilty because I did not attend my best friend's wedding." "Kirby's watching videos. How long has he been watching videos?" After flying from China to France, Sally had trouble adjusting to her new sleep schedule. "They haven't paid the water bill. We also haven't paid the water bill." Because I just drank two glasses of wine, I am unable to drive. Does she play sports? -- Yes, she succeeds at anything she tries. I rushed to the grocery store because I was afraid it would close early. "Does your roommate want to see the music video? -- No, she's already seen it." "Kelly is an interesting person. She's traveled the world while holding many jobs." "He's at work. He's leaving soon. He's left. He's not at work now." "He's learning Latin. He's been learning Latin for eleven (11) months." "Claudia's bought a new bikini, but she has yet to wear it." I took a photograph of the Taj Mahal to post onto Facebook. The man in the red shirt bet thirty dollars at the blackjack game. At six forty-five (6:45), he ran five (5) miles around his neighborhood. Satya used to play the clarinet, but he switched to the saxophone. Because of the loud construction, nobody on my street was able to fall asleep. I gave the waitress a large order, so I will give her a large tip.