Why are you laughing? "What's your address?" Will you remind me? I was going to the library. "It's warm today." "I don't have a girlfriend." "I'll be right back." When did this happen? Is your car red? "No, it's blue." The grass is green. The city of Los Angeles is in the state of California. I made this cake. "That's my sandwich." "No, it isn't." The books are expensive. Do you have a boyfriend? Have you done this before? "What's your religion?" Do you like basketball? Expiration date. Please sit down. Who won the competition? "I'm twenty four (24)." "I've never done that." You look very young. "I don't have a boyfriend." Why are you crying? "I don't like basketball." "That's too expensive." Male or female? Please slow down. I need to practice more. What do you recommend? I find that surprising. Someone does that for me. Can I take a message? When do you arrive? Where did you learn? Where did it happen? "It isn't sunny." Sorry to bother you. How much would you like? We like it very much. When will it be ready? How much altogether? What do you want to do? "I don't usually do it." You speak very well. I have one in my car. "I'm leaving tomorrow." How long is the flight? Where is she going? Which one is cheaper? Are ghosts real? Why did you say that? The chair is stable. Are you ready to leave? What is the weather like in Beijing? Were there any problems? The meat is raw. They arrived yesterday. What is the area code? What are you thinking about? I need another key. When is the next bus? She seems tough. Is this a safe area? Are you feeling okay? "No, I'm not." Do you have any money? Is your friend Chinese? Yes, he is. I came with my family. Table for two, please. This bag is light. "I don't have any money." Are you mad at me? What is the meaning of life? Does she love him? Does he tutor? Do you have any children? Can you be more specific? My birthday is today. He lost his phone. "You don't have to be sorry." "Lilly doesn't have a boyfriend." I want to buy something. Will you take me home? He is a strange man. "What's the phone number?" Go straight ahead. "Here's your bag." "They're very busy." You need to know the truth. "There's plenty of time." I got in an accident. Where did you put it? Good evening sir. "Why aren't you going?" Where are we headed? "What's the name of the company?" "I think it's very good." "What's in the suitcase?" "I've already seen it." She is a short person. Where is it? At the bus stop. Are you single? "No, I'm married." Are you okay? "Yes, I'm fine." Are you married? No, I am single. Am I early? "No, you're late." Are you a doctor? "No, I'm a teacher." Where is she from? "She's from Australia." Did they win? Yes, they won. One ticket please. How do I get there? Why did you do that? How tall are you? What does this mean? I wish I had one. Thank you very much. Which one do you want? "I'd like a room." "It's not too far." A one way ticket. Will you marry me? "How's the weather?" What should I wear? Who are you waiting for? We are the same age. I lost my watch. "You're very smart." That smells bad. Do you like to dance? "It's far from here." Can it be cheaper? Give me the pen. Is it far from here? Can you assist me? The food was delicious. Who won the race? Do you have a girlfriend? He has a new car. How are your parents? Have a nice trip! Are you waiting for her? Are you free tonight? As soon as possible. Is it cold outside? Einstein was a brilliant man. "I'm not tired." What did you think? Can you swim? "What's the temperature?" "It's too late." Where is the bathroom? I need a doctor. Where do you work? This is very important. Thank you sir. I speak a little. "Who's calling?" "That's not fair." On the second floor. "Don't be nervous." How about Saturday? "I'm not hungry." The United States has fifty states. What is the video about? Is the train coming? Did she hear? Take this medicine. Nothing is impossible. I like volleyball. Let me check. "He's in the kitchen." Do you like the book? "Don't be silly." I have a headache. Can I try it on? "I can't hear you." Nice to meet you Give me a call. When are you moving? I have a reservation. When are you leaving? Do you have a problem? Have a good trip. "That's too bad." "It's really hot." I made a mistake. "What's your name?" "I'm Jeff." "She's asleep." Who taught you that? "How's business?" What do you study? "I don't feel well." Where did you go? The ball is round. Please be patient. "You're very nice." "It's north of here." "That's a good school." Are you sure about that? When are they coming? The car is fixed. Where did it go? "I'm not sure." I work in a hospital. I need to go now. She has a career. This is very difficult. The meeting was online. Can you fix this? It hurts here. "I'm going to leave." Your French is good. "Who's that woman?" She is my grandmother. Where do you live? The TV is broken. "I'll teach you." Do you like it here? No, this is the first time. "What's your job?" "I'm a teacher." "I'm a nurse." Do you need anything? Are you here alone? That would be wonderful. Who are you looking for? "I haven't been there." Take me to the hotel. What does this say? Are your children with you? A long time ago. "Here's my number." Are these your children? Yes, they are. The movie was okay. Was the information useful? I ate already. I regret nothing. The solution is simple. Do you feel better? Thanks for your help. Is he tutoring? Are you working today? "I'm a beginner." The church is massive. We go to the movies. McDonalds is a global business. Are you proud of me? "I'm just kidding." Are you an engineer? Yes, I am. The sky is blue. Jacquie is reading a book. How do you say it? "I'm going to bed." Who is her husband? "I'm here on business." "They're doing great." What are you going to have? How are you paying? "Here's your order." Is your father home? When is your birthday? Are you related to him? Whose book is that? Please wait for me. What is he looking at? "I'm worried too." When will he be back? When do we leave? Who was your teacher? What do they study? "I'm from around here." How do I use this? The ground is dirty. I need to go home. Take me downtown. Do you have another one?