That means friend. She dances. Are you hungry? How old are you? "I don't have money." "I'm allergic." Everything is ready. Can you show me? Do you hear that? "What's the address?" Where are you going? What matters to you? He is athletic. Please call me. Happy Birthday. "That's too much." "I'm thirsty." Is everything ok? "It's raining." Is it raining? "No it isn't." Is the bank far? "No, it's not." Please tell me. I have no reason. "It's very important." Thank you miss. "That's too many." "I'm not afraid." "Who's that man?" "He's the boss." "I'm not busy." Very good, thanks. Are you American? "No, I'm European." "I don't care." What is the problem? No, thank you. Turn around. Sounds good. Are you okay? "Don't worry." "You're beautiful." Who is the president? Excuse me. Good luck. "That's fine." Are you married? "I don't mind." Please come in. Rescue me! Turn left. Business is good. Do you understand? Start the car. "I'm tired." Nothing else. Anything else? Take your time. What do you have? "I don't understand." "It's over there." I understand now. She is pretty. See you later. Where is he from? What is the date? "I'll pay." Where are you from? "I don't want that." Are you sick? "I'm from Japan." Good afternoon. Call the police. From here to there. "I'm not sure." "I don't want it." How much is that? "I'm hungry." Should I wait? Can I help you? Take a chance. Have you arrived? "That's not right." How much is it? Are you afraid? "We're late." I have a cold. Are you busy? Are you tired? "No, I'm not." Is he drunk? Are you comfortable? Hurry up! "I'll take it." How many people? "It's delicious!" "I've been there." Open the door. "What's wrong?" "What's the matter?" How much is this? Are they married? You are incredible. How long is it? Am I late? "No, you're on time." Are you pregnant? That is my room. Now or later? I was in the library. Yes, I am. "This doesn't work." Where is the bank? Where have you been? Calm down. Nine plus two is eleven. Near the bank. "I'm bored." She reads. "No, he's out." Behind the bank. "I've seen it." "I'm just looking." That looks great. How was the movie? See you tomorrow. Take it outside. He is asleep. See you tonight. "I don't think so." "That's alright." Where is the hospital? Do you smoke? Do you believe that? "I'm fine, and you?" Open the window. Thanks for everything. That looks old. She is smart. What do you think? "That's not enough." Someone is coming. "Let's share." Outside the hotel. Do you know her? Try to say it. "I'm not married." Everything is possible. Who is that woman? Is this your book? Is there a tour? How far is it? Where is the airport? How was the trip? What are you doing? How do you know? Can you help me? You appear well. "He's laughing." Which one is the best? Which one is better?