The coal plant created many jobs for the village. Every year, the prices at the grocery store increase. "He's a high school teacher. He teaches science." That company is unlike any other company that I have seen. Should I wrap the gift or put it in a bag? I think that going to the conference would be a great opportunity for you. I was able to help my client buy a new house. We own many books, and have read every single one. He attempted to steal from the store, but was arrested. That movie had a great director and great actors too. I contributed to the charity because I believed in their cause. How long did it take them to prepare for the vacation? I remember the first time I learned to ride a bicycle. "It's hard to score a goal against that goalie." "Joe is still in the hospital, so he's unavailable at the moment." How well do you retain information after you learn it? I cannot open the jar of pasta sauce. Monday was a holiday, so the post office was closed. He went to prison after committing many crimes. "When I was growing up, I didn't use to like vegetables." February has fewer days than any other month. The children traced different shapes with a pencil. The doctor has worked at this hospital for twenty years. When did Ben leave? -- He left twelve (12) minutes ago. Because of financial problems, George needed to take out a loan. You will see immediate results after taking the pill. She graduated from high school ten years ago. "He wants to go to the show, but he doesn't have a ticket." How do you measure your weight in outer space? A key aspect of a healthy lifestyle is exercise. The police chased the thief until he was caught. What activities did you enjoy when you were growing up? I hope they extend the deadline for the job application. If we do not make progress, we will fall behind. "When I was a baby, I couldn't eat solid food." He acts modest even though he is a genius. "Where's his coat? -- I don't know. He doesn't have it." YouTube is an excellent website for watching videos. This restaurant accepts all major credit cards. "These chairs aren't beautiful, but they're comfortable." "Anthony hasn't taken a week off from work in three (3) years." I see a lot of students in the hall during recess. She has a full-time job and takes care of the kids. My family had a discussion about finances last night. "She isn't hungry. She isn't eating right now." The theater performance was excellent because of the amazing director. "My son is shy and doesn't speak very often." Before you donate blood, what is your blood type? Have they ever eaten a pear? -- No, not once. We were separated into two groups based on age. I review my credit card statement every month. Solomon went to the pizza shop three (3) times last week. "When I went to the store, they didn't have any apples." After you enter the museum, you will see many paintings. "The surgeon's knowledge of anatomy was astounding." AJ started her new job one (1) year ago. I developed an interest in sports at an early age. "Do you know this man? -- No, I've never met this man." The textbook was helpful in explaining these concepts. "Have they visited Southeast Asia? -- Yes, they've visited twice." During the presidential election, many people forgot to vote. I think that society should discuss environmental issues more. I sent you a text message yesterday. Did you get it? He programs iPhone apps in his spare time. We took a four (4) week vacation two (2) years ago. My friend is a singer, and has recorded many songs. "Rosa Parks played a huge role in the Women's Rights movement." "It's snowing. I don't want to freeze in the snow." The northern region of Canada is cold all year round. He was jogging at eight-thirty (8:30) last night. "My job is very boring. I don't talk to many people." They were playing basketball when I was cooking dinner. After I passed the test, my body felt lighter. How much are these apples? Two dollars fifty a kilogram ($2.50/kg). I like to drink my coffee with cream and sugar. I am grateful to have clean water at my house. I have a bit of free time right now. Can we talk? "When does Shu start school? -- He's already started school." "What was she doing at eight o'clock (8:00) this morning?" He wore a t-shirt and jeans to school. Can you help me load the groceries in the trunk? "I lost my key, so I can't enter my house." The children threw paper airplanes in the playground. Are you thirsty? -- Yes, want to grab a beer? The presence of firearms is strictly prohibited here. The new shirt looks great, but it does not fit. Samantha seems to be complaining a lot recently. The ability to follow instructions is very important for the job. What would you buy if you had one hundred dollars? Can you send me an email with the details of the event? "What's the password? -- I've forgotten it. I forgot it." It is rude to stare for too long at someone. "She lives near me, but I don't usually see her." He was going to the airport, and he was carrying a backpack. The tenants have occupied the building for over a decade. I carried the box up three flights of stairs. I cannot list all of the possibilities. There are too many. Is it dangerous to go outside at night where you live? Eating too much salt is bad for your health. I really like the material that I learned in the philosophy class. I apologize for the delay. How long have you been here? You own a car. How long has she had your car? Please remove your shoes when you enter the room. We were cold during the vacation, but we were happy. I think that it is important to talk about racial issues. How do I install the app onto my phone? "Is Chris there? -- No, he's out shopping. He went shopping." I admire her ability to sing high notes. She spent her annual bonus on a new car. Lulu showers every evening at nine (9:00). What is the standard way to greet someone in your country? The store sells fresh fruits and vegetables. Where did you get that watch? -- I bought it online. The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. How do you feel about living in a rural area? The best way to learn languages is to start speaking. Did the sun shine yesterday? -- Yes, it did. Creating a successful business involves hard work. The construction worker painted the walls grey. The newlyweds were enjoying their honeymoon in Belize. The interest rate was low, so we bought the house. "Remember to text Daniel. -- I've already texted him." The teacher wanted everybody in his class to participate. You must press on the wound to stop the bleeding. I can relate to you because I grew up in Germany too. The snowstorm continued, so we stayed inside. It was a tough decision, but I have no regrets. "Melody's been learning Romanian for five (5) months." The events leading up to her death were tragic. Does he know her? How long has he known her? The band played my favorite song last night. The press published a sensational article this morning. The biggest change of living in New York was the large crowds. The bag of popcorn expands in the microwave. "We worked on Wednesday, but we didn't on Friday." "We're great friends. I like her. She likes me." What are the long-term effects of drinking alcohol? Lulu prefers tea over coffee. Has he ever lost his ID? -- No, not once. My uncle has lived in New Zealand for fourteen (14) years. "That is the most expensive diamond I've ever seen." There are three ducks floating in the pond. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a filmmaker. I work at the technology company as a software engineer. He folded the paper and put it in his pocket. Learning Spanish gives you an advantage in business. The student was disappointed with his exam scores. I suppose that I could exercise more if I had the time. The clown slipped on the banana peel. Everyone thought he was guilty, but he was innocent. As long as we are human, we will make mistakes. Did you notice the smoke coming out of your car? He is one of the best baseball players in the United States. Learning a new language creates international opportunities. I need coffee every morning to stay awake. My mother has a huge mansion by the ocean. How thin is a sheet of printer paper? "Do you know anyone that doesn't have a mobile phone?" I cannot go to school today because I have a cold. The ability to build computers made Michael Dell very rich. "Picasso's art can be found at the museum." The report showed significant evidence of climate change. He used to be fat, but then he lost weight. This jar stores my spare coins. I would like to eliminate my pronunciation mistakes. My apartment has two bedrooms and one bathroom. "Please use your inside voice. I'm concentrating." She kicked the soccer ball over the fence. Chewing gum in class is against the rules. There is a computer that you can use at the public library. The museum does not permit flash photography. I rinsed my mouth with a cup of water. When was the last time you were in a plane? -- Last month. Did you watch the concert on YouTube last night? Imagine a world where everybody has enough to eat. "At a quarter past one (1:15), she wasn't in the backyard." I advised him to stop doing drugs immediately. "He's married, and he always wears his ring." I put the groceries in a brown paper bag. "Can you repeat the question? I didn't quite hear it." Keep going straight until you reach the intersection. All it took was one look to know that he was guilty. "What's going on? -- I haven't heard from you lately." The environment has been changing a lot in the last century. Do you see any ethical problems with your plan? Did you mention that you had three older brothers? I am going through some personal problems right now. My grandfather has a huge collection of stamps. Very few people live in the northern half of Canada. The standard for formal attire is the tuxedo. "I am not yet eighteen, so I can't vote." "They haven't told anyone about their marriage yet." Does he run around the track? -- Yes, he runs. Does the hotel include free continental breakfast? My aunt and uncle arrived last Thursday. Cars must yield to pedestrians by law. How much cash does she have in her wallet? The president used questionable tactics in his campaign. Nobody knows how to predict the stock market. My face is red because I am embarassed. The town is very remote and is not connected to the Internet. My boss is forcing me to work over the weekend. My father used an axe to cut the tree. "Chelsea got a new job. See if she's already started." The teacher could not excuse her terrible behavior. Please wash your hands before returning to work. We talked about various topics during the meeting. They struggled to divide the chores fairly. "My iPhone's battery ran out of power." The deadline to submit the assignment is tomorrow night. Does he feel guilty for not leaving a tip? "Ben's grandfather has moved to the countryside." My winter coat protects me from the cold. The Olympic runners compete every four years. The waitress poured the coffee into my cup. The concert was terrible so I wanted to leave early. "And she finishes at nine o'clock (9:00) at night." When was the last time she went to the bank? -- Last week. I could not resist eating the chocolate cake. I would like a medium cup of orange juice. "We're busy right now. Can I call you tomorrow?" The growth of smartphones has made communication easier. Going to the local university provided John an excellent education. I moved the bags from my car to the living room. The so-called doctor lied about his credentials. The baseball player hit the ball with his bat. Why is he acting so aggressive all of a sudden? The surgeon goes to the healthcare conference each year. "You've lived in Pittsburg since you were six (6) years old." Put all the ingredients in the pot, and then stir. "There hasn't been a cloud in the sky all week." "She wasn't mindlessly browsing the web." "We don't speak much. We don't have much time together." What are the most challenging problems that society faces? Once the sun sets, the sky becomes dark. Even though I disagree with you, I will not judge you. She used a hairdryer to dry her hair. Where did they play yesterday? -- They played in the park. "What does your brother do for work? -- He's a doctor." Our ribs protect our internal organs. "Rodrigo and Maria are married. They've been together for eight (8) years." I forgot the meaning of the word, but I just remembered it. I am consistent with going to the gym every morning. My back is in a lot of pain after the car accident. Do you have a particular reason for choosing that restaurant? I like to watch the leaves change color in autumn. I arrived at the office at ten (10:00) and left at six (6:00). I was a child when I learned to ride a bicycle. Our country struggled for years to achieve independence. "He's studying Cantonese. -- How long has he been studying Cantonese?"