Has she told her mother about the incident yet? "We fell asleep before nine o'clock (9:00)." I have no sense of direction, but fortunately I have Google Maps. I do not need any help writing this essay. I sprayed the weeds with herbicide. "You've lost the key three (3) times this week." Did you get the file that I attached to the email? It takes many years to build a skyscraper. Life is short, so you should do what you enjoy. He earns a lot of money at his job. For a brief moment, I thought I was dreaming. I use Google when I need to look something up. Do not worry about the test. It is very easy. I try to read five books every month. Do you think this suit is appropriate for the meeting? "My cell phone doesn't have good reception." Does the tea taste a little bitter to you? They gathered sticks to make a bonfire. This poem has exactly ninety words. My foot hurts from kicking the wall. I know how to count to ten in every language. We danced, drank, and made new friends. I have many pleasant memories of my childhood. He swam three laps in the pool. You need to be very lucky to win the lottery. Are you willing to do what it takes to succeed? When I stepped on the balloon, it popped. We started a relationship together three years ago. "My motorcycle doesn't use a lot of fuel." I highlighted all of the words that I did not understand. She is vegan and cannot eat eggs. The Adidas factory produced a lot of shoes this year. During the investigation, the police found evidence of the crime. The president gave a powerful speech last night. "Can you turn the music down? It's too loud." I cannot tell what the book is about from the title. The farmer planted a handful of seeds. Even though it is possible, I think it is unlikely. In order to go the party, Nicole lied to her mother. She highly values intellectual pursuits. The recipe says to add olive oil. Is it dark outside? -- No, it is still sunny. Jill bought two dozen (24) eggs. Their parents trusted her with their new car. He made an unexpected comment during the meeting. What does it feel like to speak another language? I turned on the light before going up the stairs. Running is my favorite activity in the summertime. "He has a motorcycle, but doesn't have a helmet." Water freezes at zero (0˚) Celsius. Smoking has a negative impact on your health. Was it snowing when we fell asleep? What time did the box leave the mail room? It left around six a.m. (6:00) this morning. "Your card didn't arrive in the mail today." Fred is sad. He and his girlfriend just broke up. In the United States, you need to be 21 to purchase wine. I usually am awake before seven am (7:00). We got up after five-thirty a.m. (5:30). The deadline to check out of the hotel is 11am. I need to control my weight by eating less. It has been snowing since last Tuesday. Where was Brad skateboarding when the sun came out? I caught a cold, but it is pretty mild. The teacher is the person with the most authority in the classroom. I am capable of becoming a doctor one day. My parents think that I watch TV too much. In order to save money, you first need a budget. I dropped my phone in the toilet by accident. Was she browsing Instagram when I messaged her? We loved the birthday celebration last weekend. She owns three cats and two dogs. "She's in the kitchen. She's not cooking though." I understand the general idea but not the specific details. "This is a complete collection of Mozart's works." The law firm employs a lot of lawyers. He fired him for showing up to work late. I want to learn a new language every three years. I used a snorkel to breath underwater. Can you name the planets in our solar system? "He had a notebook, but didn't have a pencil." "She's just gotten in touch with her father." Please look away when I type my password. There are a lot of students in my biology class. Highways connect people from different towns. "I can't wait to see flowers again in the spring." He played volleyball last night, and he won. That sort of behavior is not allowed at this school. The scissors are not pretty, but they are reliable. Should I buy a house or should I rent one? Some people think the number thirteen is unlucky. Have you been to Burma? -- Yes, I was there four (4) years ago. Mary is an author. She writes a lot of books. My doctor told me that my heart is healthy. Is she married? How long has she been married? "Her contribution was vital to the company's success." How did your father react to the bad news? The outer seats at the stadium are cheaper. We do a lot of different things in our free time. After we signed the papers, the house was ours. "I drink tea, but I don't drink coffee." "They've been waiting since seven o'clock (7:00)." "You can speak to Jeff because he hasn't left yet." Have you ever met a professional basketball player? What is the best way to study for a hard exam? The music is too loud. Can you lower the volume? The restaurant usually opens at eight (8:00) in the morning. My father works at a large digital agency. Though she is not particularly happy, she is content. I see three dogs and two cats in the picture. We used to own a motorcycle, but we sold it. Takashi has studied biology in college for two (2) years. How much does it cost to get a haircut in France? The foundation donated a lot of money to my university. I mopped the floor until it was dry. You may discard your trash in the bin. You can turn off the computer. The internet is not working. An important factor in real estate is location. There are multiple explanations to how it all happened. With the right treatment, your disease will be cured. These are some basic sentences you should learn. The leaves change color in the fall where I live. Please bring a paper and pencil to the exam. There is a mural of Martin Luther King on the cafeteria wall. "Was the internet working well? -- Yes, it's really fast." Dillon was at the bus depot buying a ticket. It takes many years of training to become a doctor. Michael Jordan had an excellent career as an athlete. Did Albert schedule your payment? -- Yes, he did. There is a subtle crack on the windshield. My mother makes me breakfast every morning. "Why wasn't she wearing shoes yesterday?" The car is expensive. It costs a lot of money. "This is one of the artist's most creative works." "I'd like a room with two beds please." She has a close inner circle of friends. It is illegal to own a gun in some countries. He sleeps nine (9) hours per night. I wore a red t-shirt to school. "I'd like to buy a bottle of water, please." The car crashed into a telephone pole. "He's written forty (40) blog posts." The chemist works with toxic chemicals. The restaurant serves burgers and fries. On this side of the river, there is a small farm. If your symptoms persist, see a doctor. "What is the most ridiculous thing that you've seen?" Have they ever won a competition? -- No, not once. Are the benefits of exercise permanent or temporary? Are there any famous events happening in May? How do you organize your busy schedule? "Are Isaac or Kurt here? -- No, they've yet to arrive." Do they live in the United Arab Emirates? Doing illegal things can put you in prison. At what time did the bar close last night? Can I trade my pencil for your pen? "I've previously seen him here. His name is Bobby." I expect to see fireworks during the parade. I deposited the check into my bank account. I passed the test but the rest of the school failed. "You should buy that tie. It's a good deal." I brush my teeth three times a day. There is a lot of empty space at my home. The magician revealed how he did the trick. I work hard. How about Shu? Does he work hard? When did Nate arrive in China? She arrived in China four (4) days ago. Was Laura occupied when you visited her? Yes, she was practicing for an exam. Was Maria at the office this morning? Yes, she was busy preparing for the presentation. California is in the western half of the United States. The recent advances in technology are remarkable. "She knows Spanish, but she doesn't know Italian." Do universal hand gestures exist? Does he always wake up before the sun? They bought a new truck last weekend. Does your father ever visit the cinema? Do you think that electric cars are the future? I pulled on the door but it would not open. She starts at five thirty (5:30) in the morning. What does your daily routine look like? How long has she lived in your apartment? I know a lot about history. I like it a lot. Would you prefer it if I used headphones? "He arrived on Wednesday. Today's Friday." Water freezes at zero degrees. I would like a small cup of coffee, please. Virtual reality is an exciting technology. "I hit my head but I don't see blood." "You've lived in Pittsburg for quite some time now." Ben usually plays basketball on Saturdays. "She doesn't like hip-hop music." I took four years to graduate from the university. Where was she working in two-thousand six (2006)? "What time is Earl getting here? -- He's already here." The best way to avoid crisis is prevention. I would like to reserve a table at the restaurant. My mother has lived there for five years. There are multiple correct answers to the question. I wore an orange suit to the party. The water from the fountain tastes horrible. Who do you think is the best candidate for the job? I drink a cup of coffee every morning. The train ticket cost eight dollars ($8). What do you think is the best scientific discovery? Did you already forget what I told you to do? "Does she play the guitar? -- No, she doesn't." The violent movie was not suitable for children. She tries to avoid large crowds. I try to avoid conflict at all costs. I would like to buy three apples, please. Was your quiz hard? -- No, it was simple. If you need my help, please let me know. "They're feeling sick. They have headaches." It was snowing when the plane landed. "What were you cooking at ten o'clock (10:00)?" How long have they been computer programmers? His success stems from his hard work. Do you visit small cities? -- Yes, I do. My silk shirt is very delicate. Jimbo is tired. He wants to go to sleep now. The structure of the Eiffel Tower is interesting. The garden is full of poisonous snakes. Education gives us hope for a better life. Do you watch videos often? -- Yes, I do. Are your hands cold? -- No, they are warm. Kai broke her leg two weeks ago. She is the most valuable player on her team. "Have you read the author's literary works?" I used to see him often, but he moved to Los Angeles. I feel like I have the support I need to succeed. Have they ever ridden in a Tesla? -- No, not once. She never likes to travel by subway. Brian and I are lovers. I know him intimately. I am meeting a couple of people in an hour. We have a thousand dollars in the bank account. My parents supported me through a difficult time. "I'd like to buy a phone card please." How much water do you drink each day? Life was simpler when he was just a boy. If I speak more, my speaking will improve. I want to buy an external hard drive. "I'm watching TV now. I'm not working." The genie granted him three wishes. Did anybody see Fred yesterday? -- Yes, I did. I lost my wallet at the train station. "But he's not currently running around the track." Can you hear the noise coming from the kitchen? I am sad that I have to leave so soon. Do you prefer to be mainstream or alternative? The teacher graded her students fairly. You can get an excellent education at that university. Maria enjoys playing tennis on the weekends. Culture is an important part of language learning. How would you compare the two software products? What is the influence of other cultures on a nation? Please stay on the road while you are driving. They realized that the strawberries were on sale. How common is fast food where you live? "They've been waiting for ninety (90) minutes." When I was nineteen, I studied at the university. How many hours per day do you study? The author quoted Shakespeare in his latest novel. It is okay if you arrive late to the party. The process of getting American citizenship is long and difficult. My schedule is very flexible this Tuesday. The restaurant has outdoor seating available. The new TV cost three hundred dollars. This pen uses invisible ink. What is the best way to earn a lot of money? We talked to him yesterday in the living room What is the best way to determine the value of a house? I bought this shirt three (3) weeks ago. "I'm sorry, I don't get it. Can you repeat that?" At seven-fifty (7:50), he was reading a book. How much does gas cost in your country? When I return home, I will cook dinner. The deer had already been dead for weeks. I forgot my password again last night. What is the best way to peel a carrot? How long have they been sitting on the couch? "The milkman hasn't come yet today." We made a lot of brownies last night. On what basis do I deserve this punishment? Is the moon visible on a cloudy night? It is a minor detail that can be ignored. "Kabir's in Portland. He's been there for at least four (4) days." The cat was scared by the sudden noise. The audience laughed throughout the comedy show. Did you make an effort to go to work today? "You've been early for work almost everyday." We often have dinner at seven thirty (7:30). At two-twenty (2:20), he was cooking soup. "The doctor's patient has a terrible disease." My shoulder hurts from playing baseball. At what temperature does butter melt? Sometimes he feels a little bit lonely. "Please remember to take your medicine. It's important." The multinational company employs a lot of people. Roger Bannister broke the world record for running a mile. Please fill out the form when you have the chance. I have a lot of reasons to learn a new language.