My neighborhood has a good sense of community. "He's written on many different topics." "I sometimes forget people's birthdays." The brightest thing in the sky is the sun. "When are Arjun and Sasha coming? -- They've yet to come." You found my key two (2) weeks ago. I will need a piece of paper for the test. During my summer break, I travelled to Europe. Can you send me a text about the details? What did you do to celebrate your birthday? "Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?" What did you eat during your trip to Iceland? Select the option that best fits you. In my dreams, pigs could fly. The conversation lasted almost three hours. What is the best way to fly on a budget? I did not receive the package from Amazon yet. How easy is it to make a phone call to Mexico? Does she clean the plates by hand? We must be conservative with our estimates. She used Instagram to promote her new app. I do not believe the official reason for the war. It is a miracle that we are still alive. What is the effect of sodium on your health? Does he play sports? -- No, not anymore. The patient went to the doctor for a cough. These two items are equal in value. "Even though it's not great, it is acceptable." Have you registered online with the bank yet? "We've been married for sixteen (16) years." The job was not interesting, but it paid well. You will find my name on the top of the page. I jumped over the pile of trash. Life has changed for the better because of technology. He likes to drive his car all the time. My sister and I are good basketball players. I bought a new camera last Thursday. "It's December. She's been there since May." Have you got a camcorder? -- Yes, I do. I ate dinner two (2) hours ago. "My father's only traveled by car." "She wasn't used to feeling limitless." I heard the doorbell ring. Did you? I feel weak because I am hungry. "He likes his job because it's fun." I hope this feeling lasts forever. The artist painted a picture of the sunset. The public library closes early today. Do you want to buy the latest smartphone? He works in the chemistry department at the university. Have they ever been to India? -- Yes, once. The small business employs forty people. Have you read any good books lately? "The product was responsible for the company's success." Their summer vacation ends in August. This mug has an interesting shape. Has she told her friend the bad news? Playing board games is a social activity. Does the president still have control over the war? There are fourteen counties in this state. I knew that song before it was mainstream. It happened when she was rock climbing. She held her breath for two minutes. I think we can treat each other better. This bouquet has a variety of flowers. The library closes at four (4:00) in the afternoon. The sugar dissolved in the boiling water. The mathematician made precise calculations. What time did you get up yesterday morning? I put the frozen dinner in the microwave. Plato was a philosopher and had many good ideas. The two events must be linked somehow. This is the tallest living tree in the world. Who knows what is at the bottom of the ocean? How would you behave in a difficult situation? How is your job? Do you find it interesting? "You weren't at work yesterday. What happened?" What does a typical day look like for you? After a long war, the country wanted peace. I wrestled with my bare hands. I like to eat dried mangoes. "I'm wearing my new pair of shoes." The wet floor is a potential hazard. The jacket is practical but not stylish. "This is my grandmother's original recipe." I rubbed lotion on my face. What is the most complex part of the human body? "We'll have two glasses of water please." Historical records are kept at the library. If you finish early, please wait for me. My shirt got wet from the storm. There are a lot of facts in that textbook. The building used to be a bowling alley. When was the last time you talked to your mother? The most productive place to study is the library. They bought a new truck last month. This sewing machine is very efficient. Mike and Wendy got together eighteen (18) months ago. After running a marathon, she was tired. I like taking long walks by the beach. The rain does not affect my mood. Have they ever been to Japan? -- No, not once. I have some good news and some bad news. Our economy is doing better because of the president. Climate change is an important issue to her. The usual solutions to the problem did not work. The magician made the dove disappear. The point of going to school is to get a good education. "How were you feeling at seven o'clock (7:00)?" My least favorite food is broccoli. Safety is important. Wear a seatbelt. I carry my wallet everywhere I go. The forest is full of evergreen trees. "Eliot's been here since Monday." The architect designed a new town hall. Everyone deserves access to language education. The boy rode his bicycle to the school. These shoes are nice. How much are they? "They're ten dollars." They danced until the sun came up. Learning a new language requires patience. I will check my calendar and get back to you. "It wasn't snowing when he was outside." I woke up with a severe headache. The alleged thief was actually innocent. We have to live with the consequences of our actions. Japan does a lot of trade with France. The ground was slippery so I tripped. As a banker, your income is very high. The politician defended our human rights. I have a photo of my father in my pocket. The villain in the movie was truly evil. The potential for disaster cannot be ignored. What is the impact of your donation to the charity? Am I allowed to record a video of the event? Has Culdasa arrived yet? -- No, not quite yet. He fell asleep while meditating. Did you meet anyone interesting at the event? His grandfather manages a huge company. My ankle is swollen and tender. The president does a lot of administrative tasks. Would you ask him to call me back please? Beware my dog. She is fierce. Do you own a camcorder? -- Yes, I do. "I don't like to argue about religious issues." I like to stay active by playing sports. "It wasn't snowing when I left work." "Did it snow on Thursday? -- No, it didn't." I got my dog from the animal shelter. What do you often drink with your lunch? I think those shoes are very good looking. How long has she been in China? "She's been in China for four (4) days." Is John working today? "No he isn't. But he will be tomorrow." How old are you? "I'm thirty nine (39) years old." Having a family is an important part of life. "Don't forget to lock the front door." The soccer team won the world championship. We live in a society that values education. I carry my camera everywhere I go. The floor is slippery, so be careful. Did you confirm your email address? The police officer is armed with a gun. Why did she steal my pen? I see four dogs playing in the park. Turn right when you reach the intersection. Practice is crucial to winning a race. You sound like a native speaker to me. What can be found at the bottom of the ocean? When are you going to pick up your friend? "Are you hungry? -- No, but I'm thirsty." "He's gotten to know many different people." I squeezed the tube of toothpaste. Jimmy lives in Bali. How long has he lived in Bali? The silk scarf is so smooth. Alex visited his grandmother last Christmas. I always listen to the radio on the way to work. It takes a long time to become a doctor. I am too busy to have hobbies. My schedule last week was overwhelming. That school has an excellent business program. What is the risk of not wearing a helmet? What is a classic dish in your country? The figure in the textbook was very helpful. Da Vinci drew a diagram of the human body. In the year two thousand (2000), we were watching The Matrix. Mary went to the beach last weekend. What makes the cake taste so great? Are you going to take a plane or train? I usually drink coffee at breakfast. What does he often do on Saturdays? I always drink tea at noon (12:00). The general commanded his army to victory. My mother cares about me very much. My backpack is light when I travel. "His father's at home. He's at school." He challenged me to a chess match. What is the maximum volume on this device? I am dependent on coffee in the morning. "I don't watch videos very regularly." What is the chance that it rains tomorrow? "What is the president's new tax policy?" You must wear professional attire. "Are Owen and Trina there? -- No, they aren't here yet." He is sensitive to hurtful comments. My grandmother is an elderly woman. I studied for the history test and passed. I cannot tell you because it is a secret. I shook the rug to clean it. Ancient history is a fascinating subject. Roger Federer served the ball on the tennis court. Did you just tap on my shoulder? Can I invite my friend to your party? Mike and Wendy have been together for eighteen (18) months. I wore my new shoes yesterday. Because of the president, we are in a difficult situation. Her scientific achievements were impressive. "She doesn't play the guitar very well." Did you warn me about the snakes? The business deal was fair to all parties. How much does it cost per day? There are sixty seconds in a minute. She thinks rabbits are cute. I stood in the line for over an hour. "He's visited over twenty (20) countries." What is the difference between intelligence and knowledge? How do you spend time on Sundays? "I've started working at my new job." The amusement park is fun for children. I filled my tank with gasoline. My grandmother collects stamps. "He's won a competition a few times." During the battle, many people were injured. Go outside and get some fresh air. "What were you reading at three o'clock (3:00)?" She dipped the cookies in milk. Did he run outside yesterday morning? The water was clear and free of pollutants. The heat is sometimes too much to bear. Where did he buy his skateboard? I think that she cheated on the exam. "Where's Noah? -- He's out taking photos." She wore an elegant dress. I pointed my finger towards the man. Do you know where I can get a taxi? He lifted weights at the gym. I heated my dinner in the microwave. The incident happened last Saturday morning. The damage from the car accident was significant. My vacation exceeded my expectations. How does health insurance benefit me? Harry was riding in a self-driving car. How often do you consume alcohol? How would you analyze the stock market? These sounds are familar to me. Seating is limited so come early. That family goes to church every Sunday. The only person he respects is his father. Thomas developed his own scientific theory. I want to go to China next July. Nobody answered my phone call. My house in the suburbs is very big. "Don't burn yourself on the stove." We had lunch two hours ago. Please give me a reminder tomorrow. He decided not to shave in November. What is the estimated attendance for the event? The Dark Ages were a terrible period for humanity. The boy raised his hand at school. What motorcycle brand does he have? What time do you go to work everyday? "Mark's been in Cambodia for four (4) months." Education is a good investment for many people. What is that sound coming from the bathroom? Your children are very well behaved. Can you smell the roses in the park? I snapped my fingers to the beat. What is the minimum payment that is due? Would you like to consult an expert? "Sometimes she's late, but not usually." "They've been to Argentina, but they haven't been to Chile." She hopes that she will get the job. Showing up is the first step to success. "I'd like a table near the window." "I'd like a non-smoking room." The two dogs in the picture look similar. Can you name thirty different countries? There are a lot of pages in this book. Are you wearing two different socks? I flipped the eggs on the pan. Literature is an important part of culture. Push the button and see what happens. Orientation is at the beginning of the school year. "The surgeon's hands are steady." Where are you hiding? I can hear you. This university has some intelligent students. What time do you wake up in the morning? I confronted my fear for the first time. What is your overall impression of the book? That person over there is my best friend. Did you go to the business meeting yesterday? "Do you think it'll rain today?" Does he really have a billion dollars? "I'm thirsty. Can I have some water?" Have they ever visited the Bahamas? -- Yes, once. I want to live close to a big city. "I didn't watch videos last night." My boss was pleased with my work. How many hours a week do you work? With great power comes great responsibility. Take it easy, we have plenty of time. There are only two schools in this town. How do you construct a skyscraper? The sign says that this is a dead end. Are you fine with moving to a new city? She failed her driving exam. "Sorry, we don't have any vacancies." The president has a great relationship with congress. After the negotiations, the prisoners were released. Yudong is in the shower. How long has she known Ashley? Can we discuss your travel plans? What time are you going to the bus station? She is a talented software engineer. I see twenty clouds in the sky. This shirt belongs in that pile. What is your analysis of the presidential election? "It's your turn to wash the dishes." Ice cream tastes sweet. What do you usually eat for dinner? There are some apples in the refrigerator. I have been a member of that association for years. Can I borrow a sheet of paper? Please state your name after the tone. I swear that I will never lie to you. Where is your favorite place to ski? A river flows between the two states. "She isn't at work. She's at home." "She wasn't taking a lunch break." The university has excellent security at night. He begged her for a second chance. I always tip the taxi driver. He praised him for his hard work. What subject does Mike teach at school? "They've stayed in Lisbon for five (5) months." The noise is too loud to ignore. What is the most direct flight to Paris? "Zack's browsing the internet." Intelligence is not as important as imagination. Thank you for correcting my mistakes. Please be quiet. I need to concentrate. It snowed when we were at work. Taylor sings at the church every weekend. There are a lot of rocks on the mountain. I sliced the apple with a knife. I have an interesting perspective on politics. I am positive that he is lying to me. I only rarely like to go to bars. Who is your favorite professor at the university? Have you ever been to the southern hemisphere? How frequently do you take showers? Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. How is Bob adjusting to suburban life? Be sure to cite the original source. Do you want me to come and pick you up? "I'm very busy. I don't have time now." "What time do you think you'll arrive?" You look fit. Have you been working out? The sunburn felt very painful. What is the easiest class at this university? Lawyers need to understand the legal system. The oil industry makes a lot of money. "Jack isn't available; he's off to lunch." When I was a baby, I cried a lot. He used to live in the same town as me. He downloaded it from the app store. Turn right at the next traffic light. The mathematical equations were sophisticated. "Were Ann and Jeff at the beach? -- Ann was there, but Jeff wasn't." "Where's your mother? Is she at home?" My father has a lot of power in the government. Zack runs around the track. He landed safely at the airport. She has several cats and dogs. The couple decided to adopt a child. Knock on the door before you come in. I played golf Tuesday morning. My laptop is thick and heavy. I often walk to work, but not always. How many people do you have in your family? I think the rules of the game are unfair. The library is a quiet place to study. Her future as a doctor is bright. I only have two pairs of shoes. How did you know the lyrics to the song? "Are you ready to leave? It's time to go." What is the importance of showing up on time? She used to swim competitively. There are a lot of holidays in December. The school district has excellent schools. "I'm not listening to the radio right now." Skydiving was an amazing experience. Come a little bit early to the meeting. We heard about it from a coworker. Every April, my family travels to France. The other restaurant was better in my opinion. Wait for me if you arrive early. Gold is a very valuable resource. Where do you buy organic food? I would like to explore Paris during the summer. She works as a mechanical engineer. I would like to introduce you to my friend Sally. Can you describe what you see in the picture? Please guide me to the train station. "You've always ridden horses." Can you evaluate my current situation? Does her friend stay around here? The weather seems very cold today. The man is wearing two right shoes. There are numerous fish in the sea. Facebook is a large social network. It snows a lot in the winter. What did you pick for dessert? "I'd like some water too, please." "They're planning to come next year." My motorcycle has two (2) wheels. "He's been in Canada for two (2) days." Your cell phone is ringing. We painted our house yellow. Did you have a good time? We had a bad time. It was awful. Are you sitting on the couch? Yes, I am sitting on the sofa. What time did she arrive? She arrived at ten-thirty (10:30). "I sense that you're feeling sad." It rained very hard today. Most vehicles have five (5) seats. My tank is full of gasoline. When does your mother wake up? It is cool outside, but not cold. My mother works as an attorney. Is the movie based on a true story? "I'd like the number for the hotel please." If you break it, you must buy it. I am grateful for the work that you do. Is your dog male or female? My bowl is full of cereal. He does not have to go to work today. The barrier was purely psychological. The quick rabbit ran away. "They don't know my email address." I crossed the street at the intersection. How often do you watch videos? Amanda and Peter chatted for half an hour. Can you promise me that you will be there? He likes her new blouse. I came to the park to enjoy nature. "Mark Twain's writing was remembered for centuries." Forget the past and focus on the present. The police finally captured the suspect. What would it take to save his life? How did your father get that job? What is the science behind your diet? "Where is she? -- She's at the supermarket." I never go to the cinema by myself. What do you do in your spare time? Your apartment has a large kitchen. Make a left turn at the intersection. This time four (4) years ago I was in Rio de Janeiro. Are you going to attend their wedding? Do not threaten me ever again. Did you rest easy last night? Yes, I rested easily. There are a million dollars in the budget. Was she at the celebration? -- Yes, she was. "They're building a museum downtown." The plane has a slight delay. "He's been divorced three (3) times." The jacket is decent, but not great. May I have another glass of wine? "You're old. -- No, I'm not! I'm young." My father was born on a Wednesday. What is the best strategy for chess? What is the most important subject to learn? What is your most valuable possession? The movie features famous actors. This is a renowned academic center. I do not respond well to threats. Please forgive me for being late. "It isn't a matter of life or death." Tom looked unusually serious today. The night sky was pitch black. Tell him that I need to talk to him. The show starts at nine tonight. Solar energy is good for the environment. She was drinking butter coffee. You can disagree with me if you want. The restaurant serves amazing Mexican food. Can you pretend that I am not here? My children are doing their homework. Are you available to meet at noon (12:00)? "Where are your children? -- They're at school." "I'll have a cup of tea please." I put my glass in the dishwasher. Matt Damon had an important role in that movie. The play lasted over three hours. What is your approach to language learning? "I don't watch movies very often." Why did you leave the door open? Am I pronouncing it correctly? Does he regularly eat in the morning? How much does a car weigh? How long has it been snowing? Does the store sell groceries? Is there a movie theater nearby? "He's never driven a tractor." What color are your new socks? They are brown. "I don't like her, and she doesn't like me." Are you available for coffee this weekend? The trumpet is a musical instrument. Where does your daughter go to school? The star of the play is in the middle of the stage. The post office is that building over there. Wikipedia is a comprehensive resource. But Zack likes to run around the track. She is the most interesting person in the room. They went to the historic part of town. The world is full of language learners. What is your most precious possession? I lost my laptop at the library. She was asleep in bed, sick. She is no longer afraid of death. Do you ride bicycles? -- Sometimes. "Take a jacket. It's snowing." "He doesn't like thriller films." Only go to the hospital if it is necessary. You can eat half of my cake. My library book is due today. The team of doctors saved his life. It is illegal to be naked in public. Can you toss me my jacket? I thought of a great idea last night. Does the lake freeze in the winter? The babies were switched accidentally. Can we have some more bread please? Have you visited Brazil in the past three (3) years? "He's lived there his whole life." Are you doing anything on Friday night? What is living in Eastern Europe like? The sky looks cloudy today. "Yesterday, she didn't go to the gym." The best kind of cake is chocolate. My home is not too far from work. "Samantha left the office at six o'clock (6:00)." My brother is stronger than I am.